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Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella)

Web Clothes Moth With the decreased use of preventive pesticides, the incidence of museum items damaged by the Webbing Clothes moth has increased significantly in recent years. Items primarily affected include woolens, anything containing feathers, animal mounts and skeletons. Woolen items injured by clothes moths have holes eaten through them by small, white larvae. You can often find hairs falling from animal specimens that the larvae are feeding upon. Materials left undisturbed for some time or stored in dark places (such as a closet, attic, or drawer) are most severely injured by these insects. The adults are small and champagne-colored. They can often be seen running over the surface of the infested goods when exposed to light or flying somewhat aimlessly about the houses or closets.

Food: Clothing moth larvae feed on wool, hair, feathers, furs, upholstered furniture, occasionally on dead insects, dry dead animals, animal and fish meals, milk powders such as casein, and nearly all animal products such as bristles, dried hair and leather. Adults do not eat.

Life Cycle: Adult moths lay 100-150 eggs. The larvae is the damaging stage. They are white and vary in size from 1/16'' when first hatched up to 1/3'' when full grown. The length of the larval period depends largely on the environmental conditions and the quality of food.

Trap use and placement: This trap is placed on the floor indoors in closets and rooms where woolen, silk fabrics, furs, or items with feathers are stored. One trap per closet or storage room can attract and catch the male moths. This trap will act as an early warning tool to help prevent destruction of woolen items and other fabrics.

Clothes Moth NoSurvivor Kit

Clothes Moth NoSurvivor Kit

Traps and pheromone Bullet Lures for Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella).
Order Line: 1-877-463-6697

131 Eaton St.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 963-6183 | Fax: (770) 963-9477 | Order Line: 877-463-6697
Store Hours (Eastern): M-F: 8:00-5:30, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed